var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); var player = new Array(); //var counter = 0; function playerReady(obj) { var id = obj['id']; var version = obj['version']; var client = obj['client']; //console.log('the videoplayer '+id+' has been instantiated'); player[id] = document.getElementById(id); addListeners(id); }; function addListeners(id) { if (player[id]) { player[id].addModelListener("STATE", "stateListener"); } else { setTimeout("addListeners()",100); } } function stateListener(obj) { //possible states IDLE, BUFFERING, PLAYING, PAUSED, COMPLETED currentState = obj.newstate; previousState = obj.oldstate; //console.log('current state : '+ currentState + ' previous state : '+ previousState ); //find out what title is playing (or id of the file) var cfg = player[].getConfig(); var plst = player[].getPlaylist(); //decide if the counter needs updating and then //update in the db with ajax request var decision = false; if (((currentState == "PLAYING") && ( (previousState == "BUFFERING") ||(previousState == "COMPLETED")))) { decision = true; } if(decision) { var ajaxString = "file=" + escape( plst[cfg["item"]].file ); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", data: ajaxString, url: "" }); } } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 23:43:33 Feb 09, 2022 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 12:45:06 Dec 08, 2022. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 884.558 exclusion.robots: 0.186 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.177 cdx.remote: 0.081 esindex: 0.01 LoadShardBlock: 826.52 (3) PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 851.234 (4) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 152.578 (4) CDXLines.iter: 15.681 (3) load_resource: 332.696 */